Hey you,
I’ve always struggled with being consistent.
Especially when it comes to sharing work online. This is a BIG problem because consistency is needed for growth in any field.
Take my photography for instance, consistent learning and practicing has made me a much better photographer than I was 3 years ago, but I’ve struggled during this period to take that consistency and apply it to other projects I’ve started.
One of which is this newsletter.
I’m actually proud of how I’ve been able to show up here every Tuesday and Friday even on days when I didn’t feel like it. But I broke my streak last week. I didn’t write the creative play-list on Friday. The last time that happened, I still published the next day, but this time I missed the letter completely.
Now I’m sorry about that. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to or feel like it, I just couldn’t. Life happened and I was so busy attending to personal matters, it became impossible to write the letter. But I’m back today and I’ve been thinking about consistency all day.
Is it possible to have a perfect streak of showing up at a certain time on a certain day of the week? I’m pretty sure it’s not. But does that make you inconsistent? I know it’s good to have a schedule to work toward, but life is always unpredictable. and things that are out of our control will always occur.
My youtube channel is a perfect example of my struggle with consistency. The month of May was my most consistent month so far as I published 9 videos. That streak brought a lot of new viewers (not subscribers) and I could see the potential for growth if I stayed consistent.
However, in the 2 months since then, I’ve published only 4 videos. See how consistent I am in being… inconsistent?
But the thing is even though I don’t have a proper schedule (or system) for Youtube and the past 2 months have actually been really hectic and overwhelming, I’m still in it.
I still spend my free time learning video editing and coming up with ideas and I should have the time in the next few weeks to execute some of these ideas. So in a way, I’m still consistently involved in Youtube.
I haven’t closed shop and the same thing applies to this newsletter.
I don’t know if showing up at a particular date and time is the complete meaning of being consistent but what I know is that there will be more weeks where I will not be able to write this newsletter, but expect me to show up the very next week.
Well, except something serious happens or I close shop (haha) but I’ll announce that if it happens. I’m enjoying this too much right now.
I hope you all have a great week. See you on Friday!