Hey guys, what’s good?
It’s another Tuesday which means I need to share something today. The best thing about this newsletter is trying to think of something that could interest or benefit you. And usually, I do the thinking moments before writing, but I’m working towards creating some sort of schedule so I know what I’ll write about in advance. I think that will be a bit boring (for me), but would contain more value (for you), which I think is a good trade-off. Right now, it’s interesting to think about what I want to write in the period I’m writing, but it also means, sometimes I end up writing something that’s not as good as what I want this to be. Anyways, I’ll just experiment as always and see what works.
Talking about what to share, the most interesting piece of advice I heard this week was: Don’t wake up at 5 am. There’s always been this online narrative about getting up early and accomplishing much in a day. But the truth is, not everyone can do this. I can’t or at least I think I can’t. I’ve tried being a morning person many times and it just doesn’t work. I still feel like a zombie. So I’m just going to be embracing my late afternoon/evening energy boost to get work done. My plan is to disregard time completely (or as much as possible) and just work to manage my energy levels. So since I feel like a zombie in the morning, I’d just sleep or watch youtube or a movie or do other unimportant tasks. And when I feel energized in the afternoon/evenings, I’d do the work that “pushes the needle forward”. Hopefully, it works as well as I expect it to.
Which do you think is more important in getting work done: time or energy?
The Creative Play-List #14
Is it just me? by Sasha Alex Sloan
Disney is finally Dead, Here’s why by The Film Theorists
Zackary Smigel perfectly describes the current state of Youtube recommendations in I promise, this video belongs here
The importance of documenting your life by Gene Yoon