Hey y’all,
I woke up to grey skies. Again!
It’s been like this for a couple of weeks now and it’s totally depressing. Plus it’s soo cold.
My “productivity” has tanked also but that’s okay. I’m starting to realize that being consistent and productive is not really linear and straightforward as much as we want them to be. Take for instance, I’ve spent the last 3 hours listening to music and trying to create a playlist for the sun.
Yep, the sun! I’m really sick of seeing this dull grey everywhere. Have I mentioned that it’s cold?
Anyways back to my playlist, have I been productive today? Maybe not, but now as I listen to it while writing this newsletter, I’m glad I did it.
See! definitely not straightforward at all.
I should have used those hours researching for a youtube video or recording the one I already have prepared. But I know I’ll get to it. Besides listening to The Struts belt out Could Have Been Me while writing this feels much better than I could have imagined. I’ll look back on today as a productive day because it feels that way.
Tomorrow can be more productive, but today’s not so bad either.
Ugh! Grey skies.
Hope you have a productive week with lots of sunshine.
The Creative Play-List #13
Here’s the finalized playlist: sunny days
Check out this letter from . It’s a really good read and talks about how things are not always linear and straightforward.
The Most Powerful Kind of Photography by Sean Tucker.
Stop Giving A S#%& by WheezyNews
Till next week. Bye!
thanks for sharing!